To coordinate CAST USA 2015 conference and activities, CAST NC is running a Start-up Competition on Sept 12th (Saturday, PM, RTP area) for anyone local in NC, and sounding states where there is no local chapter, who have her/his dream to start their own business. Three attachment files are included . Here are some details information.

1.      Please update your membership to the current at

2.      Submit your proposal to Business plan template file is for you as a guidance to put your thought in.   

3.      The proposal collection time is between July 31th-Aug 31th.

4.      Prepare your presentation for Sept 12th.

5.      Top 3 winners will be selected by local judges and will be sent to CAST USA for final competitions.

Forms download: Startup-planguide-2015.doc  CASTNC-Startup-appform-2015.doc  Business-Plan-for-a-Startup.doc

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